
Born in A Coruña, Spain in 2001. Got in touch with computers since he was 8 years old. He started creating modded game servers on Minecraft. At the age of seventeen, he was part of the dev team for some GTA V Servers, creating his own project six months later with more than 250 players.

After finishing high school, he started studying a module called "Design and Develop multiplatform apps". Now he is creating his owns projects, and waiting for being hire.


Experienced in API development on NodeJS and mobile aplication.

This website and more (databases, API deployment...) are hosted on a docker container on my home server. Using a reverse proxy and cloudflare as proxy and dns manager.

My Home server is a Rasberry PI 2 with an optimized Ubuntu Server.

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  • Experience

  • Horse Track Officer - Oxer Sport

    Dec 2021

    Keep the competition track in suitable conditions for the horses in 40th Casasnovas Competition.

  • Fullstack Developer - Colegio Santa María del Mar

    21/03/2022 - 08/05/2022

    Responsible for creating the school's mobile application. With Android Studio, NodeJS and MySQL.

  • Curses

  • Server Admin.

    120 Hours


    June 2021
  • Web Dev. (HTML5, CSS, JS, AJAX PHP & MySQL)

    76,5 Hours


    54% Complete
  • JavaScript Frameworks (Angular, React & Vue)

    27 Hours


    33% Complete
  • Office (Word, Excel...)

    34 Hours

    Academia CAD

    July 2011

Some Works

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